
Showing posts from March, 2020

5 most common retinal diseases

The retina is best described as the soul of eyes and the reason for colours in your life. The health of your eyes is directly proportional to the health of your retina. Without a healthy retina, you can’t read, drive, or see fine details. If we underline the more formal definition of the retina, it is the light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye and is responsible for relaying images to your brain. A healthy retina makes not only vision stronger but your imagination flawless. The  best retina specialists in Gurgaon   tell that a retinal disorder or disease affects this light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye, which, in turn, can affect vision to the point of blindness. Thus, it is very important that one should get the retinal diseases treated at an early stage so as to protect themselves from landing into the haunting darkness of blindness. There are many retinal diseases that can occur and push you towards blindness. Among them the 5 mo...

Know the Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis: Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye is the term often metaphorically used by writers to define the emotions of a person. Though this analogy is best suited in an imaginary world, dry eyes in real life may cause discomfort and sudden decrease in one’s ability to see. In medical terms, this condition of eyes is stated as dry eye syndrome.  Best eye specialists in Gurgaon  define dry eye syndrome as a condition in which your eyes don’t produce enough tears or you aren’t able to maintain a normal layer of tears to coat your eyes. As a result, your eyes are not able to eliminate dust and other irritants. This causes stinging, redness, pain and burning in your eyes. Furthermore, if your eyes have dry eye syndrome, your eyes may also be prone to bacterial infections or the surface of your eyes may become inflamed, causing scarring on your cornea. It may be noted that dry eye syndrome never causes permanent vision loss but it is very uncomfortable and must be treated immediately by the  best eye doctor . ...

Why should you get a Diabetic Eye Exam: Why It Matters?

Diabetes is considered as the main source of many eye-related problems. A diabetic person is always at high risk of having retinal abnormalities and the best way to handle them is through early detection, regular monitoring, and prompt treatment. This early detection and treatment typically begins with a comprehensive eye exam called a diabetic eye exam. Before digging why is it important to get a diabetic eye exam, let us see what diabetic eye disease is. Diabetic eye disease in very simple words is eye damage related to diabetes. Though diabetic retinopathy is the most common type of diabetic eye disease, diabetes also raises the risk of cataracts and glaucoma. There are two types of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 and guess what, both of them have equal potential to adversely affect your eyes. This is because blood sugar can get too high in both types, damaging blood vessels in the eye. To prevent yourself from diabetic eye disease you must get a diabetic eye exam at least once a y...

What is Amblyopia? Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

The term lazy when linked with your lifestyle becomes the biggest hurdle in your road to success and when it is linked with your eyes it becomes the cause of an eye disease called “Lazy eye.” The medical term for lazy eye is “amblyopia.” Amblyopia occurs when your brain favors one eye, often due to poor vision in your other eye. Eventually, your brain might ignore signals from your weak or lazy eye. The condition can result in vision impairment and loss of depth perception. According to the  best eye specialists of Gurgaon , this condition usually affects only one eye, but in certain circumstances, the vision in both the eyes can be affected. This condition mostly occurs in children and also serves as the major cause of decreased vision among children. In amblyopia affected eye doesn’t necessarily look different, although it may wander in different directions. That is where the term “lazy” comes from. Amblyopia can lead to vision impairment or blindness if left untreated. There...