5 most common retinal diseases
The retina is best described as the soul of eyes and the reason for colours in your life. The health of your eyes is directly proportional to the health of your retina. Without a healthy retina, you can’t read, drive, or see fine details. If we underline the more formal definition of the retina, it is the light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye and is responsible for relaying images to your brain. A healthy retina makes not only vision stronger but your imagination flawless. The best retina specialists in Gurgaon tell that a retinal disorder or disease affects this light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye, which, in turn, can affect vision to the point of blindness. Thus, it is very important that one should get the retinal diseases treated at an early stage so as to protect themselves from landing into the haunting darkness of blindness. There are many retinal diseases that can occur and push you towards blindness. Among them the 5 mo...