Can Book Reading Habit Harm The Eyes?

Who loves last-minute study or burning the midnight oil to prepare for exams? If you are someone who hit the book at a night and spends time studying and researching, then read what we are going to reveal. 

Can book reading habits harm your eyes? 

Giving hours and hours to your books or digital devices can give a golden opportunity for eye fatigue and discomfort to come between you and your scores.

Understanding Eye Fatigue

Spending a lot of time reading and writing can cause tension, which is known as eye fatigue. Eye strain, dry eyes, and impaired vision, as well as headaches, neck, and shoulder pain, all easily recognized by a retina eye specialist.

Eye tiredness symptoms might differ from person to person. If someone has a sudden change in their eyesight or is suffering eye pain, they should see a retina specialist.

Digital eye fatigue is common in today's society, as eyes are glued to digital screens for the majority of the day. The lowered blink rate that is prevalent with computer or digital media use causes digital eye fatigue.

Books are not the ONLY reason!

Dr Neeraj Sanduja, an eye specialist in Gurgaon states that books are not the only reason behind feeling eye fatigue. The common reasons behind feeling eye fatigue or eye strains are:

> Reading 

> Using digital screen for prolonged hours (emitting blue light)

> Driving 

> Continous staring at bright light (may damage eye)

The symptoms of Eye Fatigue 

> Soreness in Eyes 

> Facing trouble in focusing 

> Watery eyes 

> Double/Flared/Blurred vision

> eyes become sensitive to light 

> Headache, neck and shoulder pain, and backache 

All of these symptoms might make it difficult to live and work normally. Staying up to finish the assignment might exacerbate the problem. Sleep restores the health of the eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause inflammation in the eyes.

Tips to get relive from Eye Fatigue

Eye fatigue is not an emergency, according to Dr. Neeraj Sanduja, an eye specialist in Gurgaon, but it might affect your productivity.

There are tips which can get your eyes back on track:

> Blink: A normal percon can blink 18 times in a minute. Try to blink more when you are working on screen or reading a book. Don’t forget to blink or try to blink more. 

> Move: Taking regular breaks while using digital devices or in between reading for exams is crucial for eyes as they get resting time. Get up, move around and stretch for a while before resuming your work. 

> Lighting position: Don’t use fluorescent lights in your study room or at your working table. Avoid the overhead lighting and use floor lamps. Use curtains in room so bright light or glaring light doesn’t enter. 

> 20/20/20 Rule: Taking 20-second breaks for every 20 minutes and focusing on an object placed 20 feet away— to relax the eyes. 

If you are facing any such issues, do call Viaan eye & retina centre to get an appointment with Dr Neeraj Sanduja, an eye specialist in Gurgaon.


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